Understanding can open doors: a shared language, a common goal, a new business.Why Our Values Mean So Much To Us
We are changing the way people communicate
We want to improve the lives of translators, make customers happier, and ensure collaborators and partners thrive while working with us.
We see technology as an opportunity, not a threat.
Great humans supported by the best tools: that’s how language should be, not a barrier for anyone, but an opportunity to create connections.
We know how the best teams of tomorrow will work
A few decades ago, translation companies were using in-house linguists to deliver quality.
Not the best linguists in the world – just the ones that lived close to the office.
With the spread of the internet a new opportunity emerged: the chance to connect with linguists everywhere in the world.
We pioneered this model, recruiting the world’s largest pool of translators.
Today, our mission is to continue building a thriving, collaborative community, because we know that keeping translators engaged is the key to always producing outstanding results.

We support talents, nurturing their minds and their ideas
Talent is everywhere, opportunities are not.
We love, trust and empower young people. We share something with them: a passion for helping those who come next.
We strive to create great opportunities for great talents around the world. Translated reinvested profits to create a VC fund that offers an incubator for startups in the digital ecosystem.
15+ new companies coexist at Pi Campus, where young engineers, designers and marketers develop in one of the most attractive ecosystems anywhere in the world.
The Campus recently inaugurated an innovative Design & Artificial Intelligence School, open to brilliant young entrepreneurs and potential leaders.
We managed to provide the most extensive translation capacity ever
180,000 professionals always at hand to scale volumes in all geographies.
We know that behind great results there is always a lot of work, and we fight to accomplish the big challenges.
Our greatest responsibility is to preserve language; that’s why we oversee and monitor our work diligently, and we always make decisions based on objective assessments.

We invest in projects and ideas that solve the wider problem
We invest in projects and ideas that are successful
in the long run and aim to solve the wider problem,
even if this means disrupting the language industry and accepting slower short-term growth.
We aim to create products that change people's lives.
We want to stand out for the quality of our products, create value, and make an impact.
In our industry and beyond.
We want to leave the world in better shape than we found it. We want to make human translation as easy as machine translation.We want to stand out for the quality and
professionalism of our products and services
Translated was founded with the aim of incorporating technology into human translation processes in order to provide cast-iron quality while also cutting the cost of professional translations.
We are still on a mission to create value in a transparent and
accessible way.
That’s why we make most of our products available for free and open-source.
We spend more time in removing stuff than adding it
We spend more time removing stuff than adding it.
We boldly strive to disintermediate everything and to reinvent processes that do not add true value.
Those who are considered different have more opportunities to change the world for the better
We believe in the beauty and strength of diversity, a key component of communities that are able to achieve goals that seem impossible to individuals.
Diversity is at the heart of our physical and spiritual evolution. Those who are considered different have more opportunities to change the world for the better.
If you want to be truly successful, accept, embrace and love diversity.
We’ve decided to publish our first Diversity Report in order to share what we are proactively doing to add value to the people and organizations that contribute to the well-being and engagement of our employees.

Our Credo
We believe that humans make the difference.
We believe that language is the most human thing out there.
That technology is there to help us to perform to our best, to increase our capacity.
It’s a win/win game. For people, for the company, for society.
The more we perform, the more we can invest in people.
The more we invest in people’s happiness, the better we perform.
That’s why we pay our translators fairly; we want our people to work in the best environment ever.
We are building the most engaged translator community ever.
We support talent through education, we invest in young people’s ideas, we trust our clients
by letting them pay only when they are satisfied with our work, we created a virtuous,
long-term symbiosis where the human is supported by the machine and the machine learns from the human.
And this allows us to be performant, adaptable, convenient and fast.

Embrace our culture
We pride ourselves in paying our translators fairly and providing a working environment that is collaborative, fun, and open to everyone: a culture that inspires talents to do great things for you.
About usGet in touch.
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and help you get what you want.