Rome – December 19, 2023
Translated today unveiled the first dynamic, adaptive machine translation (MT) system that enables enterprises to continually improve MT quality in real-time through a unique symbiosis between humans and machines. ModernMT's new Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) plan allows users to strategically allocate resources and scale the involvement of translators to ensure continuous improvement in MT at a faster rate than ever before. For the first time, the MT model improves daily through automated, targeted reviews that happen in the background while still delivering instant translations via the API, without sacrificing speed or scale.
A New Approach to Automated Translation
Previously, MT buyers have had to rely on periodic evaluations or direct user feedback to understand where MT translations could be improved. Even with that information, updating the model is cumbersome, if even possible. The HITL plan addresses these obstacles with a 'Machine-First, Human-Optimized' approach. While suitable for all MT users, the new solution will be particularly effective for organizations that rely on raw MT output (e.g., in real-time and/or high-volume scenarios) and have no means of identifying potential issues in the output, or addressing them, in any regular or consistent way.
This solution simplifies the process of monitoring quality and deciding where best to invest in improvements across languages and content types.
Translated's HITL approach is a true innovation that combines the best elements of AI, highly skilled people, and efficient workflows, to allow enterprises to use MT to scale operations internationally.